Maya Fit Girl

Dream big…then do it BIGGER!

What To Do When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed, Walk it Off April 6, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:24 am
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When I am feeling overwhelmed by my job, kids, spouse, home, and whatever else I’ve got going on, it helps if I can take at least 10 minutes to break free. We all need some time within our day to step away, regroup and refresh our mind and attitude.  A great way to do that is by taking a walk.

Plan at least 10 minutes to go outside to gather your thoughts, while benefiting your body at the same time.  You don’t have to do this everyday, but it helps to be able to get it into your schedule as often as you can.

I know that most of the time we hear how “hard” we have to go at the gym or during out at-home workouts, but walking can be beneficial as well. Here are a few great reasons to take a walk:

  • Lift your mood
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
  • Strengthen your bones
  • Improve your balance and coordination

So ladies, let’s get happy and healthy one step at a time!

Be sure to check out the Fit Girl by Maya website for recipes, workouts, videos, apparel, and more!

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4 Quick Tips to Help Reach Your Fitness Goals March 31, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Training — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:13 am
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Have you ever tried to test yourself- to try and see how successful you can be at sticking exclusively to your meal plan- meaning no little snacks here and there, no eating the kids’ leftover bites of granola bar, or no small taste of chocolate chip cookie your co-workers bring to work to torture you? How about skipping your workouts because your schedule is so hectic? That may mean that you will have to work out a little later or earlier than normal to fit it in your already busy day.

I have been living consciously in all of my daily moments, recognizing those triggers that tempt me into thinking that it’s ok.  In order to do that, I have incorporated the following four things into my everyday way of thinking:

1. Think before you act

The moment before I reach my hand out to break off a small, tiny piece of that deliciously warm chocolate chip cookie, I ask myself- “Why do I want this cookie?” If the sole reason for me wanting it is because it tastes good and not because it will fuel my body with the nutrients I need to live, then I need to walk away and drink some water. Period.

2. Have a clear vision

Every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed, I envision the body I want to see walking across the stage at my next competition. Keeping this very specific vision in the forefront of my mind, helps me to automatically conjure up that same picture in my mind when I want to have a big bag of potato chips drowned in Louisiana hot sauce. (Not only is my ideal body vision specific, but so are the visions of my ideal snacks!) Obviously, everyone’s vision will be different. Maybe yours will be to see yourself strutting confidently on the beach wearing that hot new bikini or finally being able to get into that complicated yoga pose. Whatever it is, see it clearly, then soon you will be it.

3.  Write it down

Almost every month I write down my goals on a dry erase board at home.  I do this monthly to keep my goals fresh and new, so I won’t get bored or stuck in a place where I neither see nor expect change from myself.  I also put my goals on a board to ensure that I see it everyday. We have to constantly challenge ourselves if we want to become better than we were yesterday.

4.  Don’t give in

We are always confronted with things that could potentially put our fit plan in a position of compromise.  We may be at work and have our healthy lunch packed in our lunch bag, but then we get that visit from our work friends asking if we want to join them for lunch at Taco Bell or wherever.  Although a big Nacho Supreme may sound good, is it worth breaking a commitment to ourself to stick to our meal plan and eating healthy? Those friends will understand.  Sometimes I will still go with them, but I’ll bring my own lunch with me.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I allow myself a snack or two, but if I want to accomplish my goals in the timeframe I want to accomplish them, I have to stick to the plan.  Your goals are important, all you have to do is believe that and do what it takes to work your way to them. You can do it!

Be sure to check out the Fit Girl by Maya website for recipes, workouts, videos, apparel, and more!



How to Create A Home Gym Under $100 March 24, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness — Maya Fit Girl @ 10:05 am
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Having kids, a home to manage, a job to go to and countless other things to do on a daily basis, may be just the reason to keep us from going to the gym. So why not make your own gym at home with very inexpensive equipment?

Start with a yoga mat.  Not only can you do yoga on it, but it’s also good for any exercise movements or stretches which may require you to have some type of padding or non-slip surface. Starting at about $10, this is a great investment.

Since a rack of dumbbells costs at least $300, having resistance bands are great alternatives. With resistance bands, you can do just about any type of strength training exercise, which would normally require heavy weights — chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, bicep curls, squats, and more! And all starting at the low, low price of $9.95.

This next piece of equipment is the most expensive, but can be utilized for many things. The adjustable weight bench can be used for chest exercises, tricep dips, step up movements, inclined or declined movements, ab work, and lots more.  Starting at $50, you will definitely get your money’s worth after the first use.

Ready for a good cardio workout? Stroll down memory lane and pick up a jump rope.  With the ability to help you burn over 100 calories in only 10 minutes, this small piece of equipment will be one of your best kept secrets. Starting at $6, it’s a steal!

Now throw in a few workout DVDs and you’re well under $100 for a perfectly equipped home gym.  There’s nothing like saving money and saving time, all while staying within the comforts of home.  Have fun!

Be sure to check out the Fit Girl by Maya website for recipes, videos, workouts, apparel and more!



How to Avoid Getting Cooties at the Gym March 17, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Health — Maya Fit Girl @ 10:00 am
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It never fails.  I always hear stories from friends about how they may have caught a cold, foot fungus or some other germ at the gym.  If you have been a victim or would like to prevent becoming a victim of the gym cooties, here are a few ways to keep the germs at bay.

There are areas within the gym that have been shown to be the worst at hoarding germs.  Those areas are free weights, weight machines and the exercise ball. Which pretty much sums up the whole gym, right?  Well, don’t fret, most gyms have those handy anti-bacterials wipes available, if not, you should bring your own personal pack.  Wipe those areas down where they will touch your exposed skin and you are good to go.

Be careful in the locker room. It may look clean and it may even be cleaned several times per day, but what about those times in between.  Never sit naked on the benches because others may have been naked there as well. Vaginal yeast, fecal matter, and lots of other grossness has been found, so be cautious and use a dry towel (you brought from home) to sit on.  Also, be sure to wear your flip flops or shower shoes if you decide to go in the sauna, steam room and shower.  The floors in those areas are sure to harbor fungus and bacteria that causes ringworm and athlete’s foot.

You know that treadmill, bike, or elliptical you love? Well, it may get wiped down throughout the day, but to be safe, wipe it down before and after each use on the areas where it touches your exposed skin. Be sure to include the seat area on the bike and any buttons.

Check out this quick checklist of things you should do to prevent getting any germs at the gym:

  • Cover any cuts or broken skin with a bandage.
  • Wash hands before and after your workout.
  • Wipe down machines before and after use.
  • Bring your own water bottle, towels, and exercise mat.
  • Don’t sit on the locker-room bench naked.
  • Always wear flip-flops or shower shoes in the locker room and shower.
  • Don’t shave at the gym or immediately before going there.
  • Whenever possible, shower at home after your workout.
  • Keep dirty clothes and shoes in separate gym bag compartments or place  in a plastic bag.
  • Wash gym clothes after each use.
  • Examine your skin weekly. If you find a painful red spot or a bump, see your doctor.

Practice these tips each time you go to the gym. You want to keep  yourself safe and also prevent spreading any infections to the kids.

Be sure to check out the Fit Girl by Maya website for recipes, workouts, videos, apparel and more!



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3 Ways to To Prevent Bloat March 2, 2015

Filed under: Beauty,Fitness,Food — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:30 am
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For years I battled with digestive issues- you know that bloated feeling you get after eating a big meal? Well, imagine feeling that pain and bloat all day everyday. The only time I felt relief was first thing in the morning before food consumption would begin.  That pain was the main reason why I had little to no appetite and would only be able to eat once or twice a day.  I always felt full, so my brain never sent the message to my stomach that I needed to eat.  Until I decided to make these three changes:

Eat Healthier

This was the easiest part for me. Since I barely ate anyway, I really didn’t have to “give up” any bad foods that were in my diet at the time.  But what I did have to do was create a healthy meal plan.  A plan which would force me to eat at least five times per day- starting with a healthy breakfast (like oatmeal, eggs and blueberries), a healthy snack (like granola and Greek yogurt), a good lunch (like a spinach salad with dried cranberries, feta cheese, pecans, salmon, and an olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing), another snack (like sliced apples with peanut butter), and a small dinner (like asparagus and tilapia).

Adding these healthy items not only jump started my appetite, but they also provided enough protein and fiber to help prevent bloat. Oh, and not to mention at least a gallon of water to help with digestion. Speaking of water…

Stay Hydrated

I wasn’t drinking nearly enough water as I should have.  Once I increased my water intake, the bloat slowly, but surely started to go away. But the most effective way I have found to help ease my stomach pain and increase regularity, is to drink water hot or room temperature water with lemon. There are many benefits to drinking water in this way, but the most important ones are aiding in digestion and flushing out toxins, which are key in keeping the intestines and colon healthy. (Take Somaya’s 7 Day Water Challenge here.)

Enzymes Everyday

As my diet is current high in fiber and protein, I found that taking digestive enzymes at least once per day helped my body breakdown those foods to help prevent bloat. Fiber is non digestible and unabsorbable within the intestines. This means that it can travel through the intestinal tract having the potential to clog things up. The enzymes break it down to allow for normal digestion and decreased bloat.

Sometimes a great deal of our health problems can be solved by changing our diet.  Do you research, find what works for you, and watch how your body reacts. You deserve to feel good…make it happen!

Be sure to check out my Fit Girl by Maya website today for more fitness information- recipes, workouts, videos, apparel, and more!



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Moms, Try These Healthy Kid-Friendly Lunch Alternatives February 16, 2015

Filed under: Fitness,Food,Health — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:30 am
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Colourful healthy salad sandwich

I always talk about being more creative when keeping with a  more healthier meal plan for both moms and kids.  For kids, creativity is key, but being creative while not being too different from what they are used to, is the hard part. Here are three standard lunch favorites made healthier.

1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

You can’t get anymore standard than the ol’ PB&J. While we usually use peanut butter high in sugar content, why not use an all-natural peanut butter (or any other all-natural nut butter)? All-natural peanut butters have no added sugars and are made with only peanuts and an oil, usually flaxseed or palm oil. For your jelly, use a one that contains 100% fruit and no high-fructose corn syrup. Two easy changes that will go virtually unnoticed.

2. Turkey Sandwich

Using lean, low or no-fat turkey meat with mustard, which contains zero sugars and zero fats with whole grain bread, makes this sandwich a great option for a lunch time main item.

3. Kid-Approved Chicken Salad

Using chunky bits of leftover chicken mixed with Greek yogurt, raisins or dried cranberries, shredded carrots and sliced almonds mixed together and served  in a whole grain pita-bread pocket is a great alternative to chicken or tuna salad with crackers.

Don’t be afraid to take chances and have fun with food. The kids will love it and love you for making delicious and nutritious meals for them everyday.




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Look Good to Feel Good January 19, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Uncategorized — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:29 am
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Logo TFM

[As originally contributed to on Sept. 28, 2014]

What we choose to wear can be great indicators of how we feel or how we aspire to feel.  Think about it.  What do you usually wear when you are feeling sick and want to lie in bed all day? Big comfy pajamas or sweats, right? And what do you wear when you have to present at a big meeting at work? Your best power suit because it makes you feel more confident, right?  And what about when you’re going out for a night on the town with the girls? You wear your cutest little black dress that hugs you in all the right places and makes you feel sexy, right? Well, we often do the same thing when it comes to our workout apparel.

If it’s that time of the month, we’re feeling bloated and crummy, barely wanting to go workout in the first place, so we throw on big ol’ sweats or three sizes too big clothes to hide the bloat and accentuate how horrible we feel. Or if we’ve lost another five pounds, we feel so excited that we want to show off our success and wear those cute leggings and fitted tank top that have been hiding in the back of the closet. But why can’t we look cute no matter how we feel or where we are in our fit life?

The next time you you want to motivate yourself to get up and workout, grab an outfit from the cute pile.  Throw on that hot pink tank and those colorful shorts.  You will see how fast your attitude and demeanor changes.  Sometimes an outfit can make us look so cute that we can’t help but start feeling that way.

In my desire to want to help all women look good and feel even better about themselves, I have come up with a line of apparel that consists of two collections- Fit Girl Chill and Fit Girl Caliente.  Fit Girl Chill are for those days when we aren’t really at 100%. We are feeling just a little bit lazy, maybe bloated from all that bread we had last night, or exhausted from staying up with the baby all night. Just throw on a pair of soft Fit Girl capris, a loose-fitting “I Am Fit Girl” motivational tank and you’re good to go. Comfy, casual, and chill.

If you’re feeling super sassy and want to wear an outfit that is not only comfortable, but also has lots of vibrant colors and textures, try Fit Girl Caliente. Throw on a pair of bright yellow leggings, an open back sports bra and a sparkly headband and see if you don’t feel cool, confident, and CALIENTE!

I’d love for all of you ladies to check out Fit Girl apparel.  Just for my readers, use promo code FITGIRL30 to receive 30% off all orders at Feel free to share with your friends.

Though true beauty is not found in what you wear, but rather through the happiness within yourself, let that happiness shine through no matter what outfit you choose.


Get Your Mind Right! January 6, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Uncategorized — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:39 am


I’m sure you have already set some great goals for the new year. I’m also sure that a few of those goals are fitness-related. Are you truly mentally ready to tackle those goals? Do you think you have what it takes to to complete those goals? If you answered no to these questions, then you may want to rethink them.

I’m not telling you to give up before you even start, but I want you to be successful. Here are five ways you can ready your mind for the goals you set for yourself.

1. Set short-term goals every week or every other week to keep them at the top of your mind and actively pursuing them.

2. Know that it will be hard and that there will be times that you will fall, but also know that it’s ok to fall, as long as you get back up and keep pushing.

3. There will be temptation all around, but you must be strong and focused on all that you plan to achieve and know that you can do it.

4. Always be prepared by having your meals ready to go at all times. If you’re headed to to run errands all day, have  your lunch bag or cooler packed with the meals you need for the day.

5. You will encounter people who won’t believe that will be able to achieve your goals. They will make fun of the meals you carry with you all the time, they will try to convince you that one donut won’t hurt, and they will tell you all of the reasons why what you are doing won’t work anyway.

Get ready to be met with opposition from your friends, your circumstances, and even yourself.  Be ready to face them all. And most importantly, be ready to plow right through them with your mind focused on your goals and your confidence ready to conquer them all. YOU CAN DO IT!




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[As contributed to on January 1, 2015]


Oatmeal Is Not Just For the Kids December 29, 2014

Filed under: Fitness,Food,Uncategorized — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:12 am
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[As originally contributed to on Sept. 18, 2014]

With Winter here, I really start craving oatmeal.  I love everything about it- it make me feel so warm on a cold morning, it makes me full until my next meal, and not only is it healthy for you (not the instant kind), but you can add other healthy things to make it even more delicious. Here are three awesome ways I love to make my oatmeal during the cold months:

Oatmeal Strawberries and Cream

What you will need:

1 cup of quick oats

1 cup of water

small saucepan

1/4 cup Greek yogurt

1 tbs honey

1/4 cup sliced strawberries

Boil one cup of water over medium heat. Add oats once water comes to a boil. Stir oats and remove from heat. Stir in Greek yogurt, honey and strawberries…and you’re ready to have a super healthy, tasty breakfast! 

Nutty Oatmeal with Mango and Toasted Coconut

What you will need:

1 cup of quick oats

1 cup of water

small saucepan

baking sheet

2 tbs unsweetened flaked coconut

1/2 cup chopped mango (I used frozen)

2 tbs chopped cashews

Optional- 1 tbs brown sugar

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Spread coconut on baking sheet and toast until golden for 3-5 minutes. Boil one cup of water over medium heat. Add oats once water comes to a boil. Stir oats and remove from heat. Stir in mangoes, coconut, and brown sugar and then you have tropical goodness!

This next one you can enjoy all year round, including the summertime!

Banana ‘n Coconut Overnight Oats

What you will need:

2/3 cup quick or steel cut oats

2/3 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk

1 banana (sliced)

dash of cinnamon

dash of nutmeg

2 tbs unsweetened flaked coconut

1 banana (sliced)

3 tbs chopped walnuts (optional)

In a small mason jar the  night before, combine the first six ingredients in a small mason jar. Shake it up pretty good with the lid still on. Place in the refrigerator. Top with bananas and walnuts the next morning just before eating. You can eat this oatmeal cold or throw it in the microwave for about 45 seconds. It take great either way! 

Don’t just stick with these recipes. Be creative and try out different fruits or nuts to add to your oatmeal. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring. It can be just amazing as you are!



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3 Ways to Stay Fit for the Fall December 1, 2014

Filed under: Cardio,Exercise,Fitness — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:10 am


Fall is upon us, but don’t let that stop you from falling off the fitness wagon. Fitness should not be seasonal, it should be a lifestyle. That doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself from those bad, yet delicious foods for the rest of your life or you can never miss a day at the gym. It just means that, despite what season it is, you will commit live a healthy not just to look good, but to feel good.

With the falling temps (at least in most areas), put a plan in place to continue your get-fit habits through the fall and winter seasons. Here are a few tips to get you going.

Get Fitted

Fall and winter are the seasons when we get to wear our warm layers of clothing, like sweaters, boots, scarves, sweats, etc. As you add more clothes to your outfits, don’t use that as an excuse to hide your body that you worked so hard for. So instead of layering on those bulkier items, why not show off that body and wear more fitted outfits?

Wearing things that are more fitted (not to be confused with too tight), will be a constant reminder of what your body has become and keep you more motivated to keep it up.

Change it Up

You may not be able to exercise outdoors as much with the weather changing, so change it up. Research interesting fitness activities at your local gym, yoga studio, or community center. Try that pole dancing or Zumba class. Fencing or indoor rock climbing could be fun. You will be surprised at the wide range of fitness activities to choose from. Let the cold season be an excuse to explore new things.

Stay at Home

If you live in an area where winter is pretty harsh, there could be long stretches of time when going outside may not be option. Now is the time to stock up on workout DVDs to keep you going when the snow won’t allow you to leave. Get a variety of workouts to keep you from getting bored.

I like Pilates, yoga, strength training, full body, core and booty-focused workout DVDs. Whatever you chose, make sure they are ones that you will actually use and not ones that will collect dust on your shelf.

Take this time now to plan how you will continue your fitness journey through the fall and winter seasons. You are in control of how well you do. Don’t let the cold ruin your HOTness!




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