Maya Fit Girl

Dream big…then do it BIGGER!

What To Do When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed, Walk it Off April 6, 2015

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness — Maya Fit Girl @ 9:24 am
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When I am feeling overwhelmed by my job, kids, spouse, home, and whatever else I’ve got going on, it helps if I can take at least 10 minutes to break free. We all need some time within our day to step away, regroup and refresh our mind and attitude.  A great way to do that is by taking a walk.

Plan at least 10 minutes to go outside to gather your thoughts, while benefiting your body at the same time.  You don’t have to do this everyday, but it helps to be able to get it into your schedule as often as you can.

I know that most of the time we hear how “hard” we have to go at the gym or during out at-home workouts, but walking can be beneficial as well. Here are a few great reasons to take a walk:

  • Lift your mood
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
  • Strengthen your bones
  • Improve your balance and coordination

So ladies, let’s get happy and healthy one step at a time!

Be sure to check out the Fit Girl by Maya website for recipes, workouts, videos, apparel, and more!

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