Maya Fit Girl

Dream big…then do it BIGGER!

Summer Fun! July 31, 2012

For most of my life as a Chicagoan, July usually marked the end of summer.  It was a time when the warm summer breezes transformed into cool, crisp winds. It was time to start breaking out your light jacket for the early morning hours and your cute hoodie once the sun set.Even though I now live in North Texas, almost a thousand miles away from my hometown , I still feel like July’s summer turns into August’s fall, despite the triple digit temps.  And as I look back over the activities of summer 2012, I have done and seen quite a lot.

Here goes…

While attending a journalism conference, I was asked to speak on a panel about the digital public relations tools needed to succeed in the industry today. If you know me, you know that public speaking is not my thing. As a matter of fact, speaking in public period is something I have never really been comfortable with. But I did it!

Sooo nervous!

I started on a fitness journey that has helped me to become more physically fit and healthy.  I hope to be competing in a fitness competition by the end of fall. Eating all of this fish, spinach, green beans, eggs, berries and protein shakes will hopefull pay off!

Working on my fitness…

I ran my first marathon in New Orleans! It may have only been a 5K, but that does not make the accomplishment any less exciting.  I MIGHT just do it again…MIGHT!  Next time I’ll remember to wear my headphones.

I did it!!

My youngest son graduated from Pre-K and will be soon attending kindergarten at an International Baccalaureate charter school. He is so excited that he will get to wear his “work clothes” (uniform) everyday!


My oldest son auditioned and made it into our county’s youth orchestra playing the violin. The family attended his first concert over the weekend. Such a proud mommy moment! (He didn’t want to take a photo)

The family and I took a road trip (twice) to Chicago.  During our visit, I rediscovered my hometown as if I were a tourist, complete with a tour of the top of Willis Tower (previously known as the Sears Tower). Although we waited in line for two hours, it was great to be able to view my city from atop the tallest building in North America.

View from the glass ledge

The hubs and I celebrated thirteen years of marriage AND we celebrated in St. Louis where we visited the famous restaurant, Sweetie Pie’s. Although the food did not live up to the hype, we still had a great time!

The famous Sweetie Pie’s at Mangrove

While in St. Louis we visited the famous Arch. We even went all the way to the top!

View from the bottom

View from the top

The hubs and I experienced, for the first time, a Korean bath and sauna spa. It may sound weird, but it was the most relaxed I had been in a long time.  It is a place meant for you to spend all or most of your day. The calming and rejuvenating effects of the saunas, the heat of the baths, the calm of the whole atmosphere makes me want to go back right now!

Awesome experience!

And to top off my summer, I enrolled in summer school to continue my course through my Master’s degree program. Once class concludes this Thursday, I will be halfway there! I’m still holding on to my A average—4.0!

Whew! That was a lot to cram into two months!

What are some highlights of your summer?


Virtual Insanity September 2, 2011

The words of Jamiroquai, one of my favorite musical artists, come to mind as I watch and listen to the news relating to cyber cheating, sexting, and other electronic misconduct, “Virtual insanity is what we’re living in.”

In light of the recent so-called “news stories”, there have been many high-profile celebs, politicians, etc. who have been the focus of social networking scandals. I’m sure there have been millions of regular, non-celeb types who have been caught up in social networking entanglements as well.  Why are these virtual worlds so contagious, so tempting, so dangerous! People are literally ruining their lives and the lives of their families, giving in to these quasi worlds. A man is no longer married when he journeys into his virtual world of pretty “friends” who “like” him.  A 35 year-old woman feels like a sex kitten, or more appropriately, a cougar to these young teens in her virtual world of tweets and DMs. A 13 year-old girl can post her way-too-grown-up bikini pics on Facebook and get tagged literally and figuratively until she becomes a shell of what she once was with big dreams of becoming an exotic dancer.

Why are we sending inappropriate pictures to people we barely know?  Why are we sexting with someone other than our spouse or significant other? Why do these actions feel so safe in our virtual worlds? If you are a single person who has nothing to lose when living out your virtual life, this does not apply to you, except if your actions can negative affect the other person’s life. But when you do these things without thinking of the consequences it will have to your marriage, relationships, children, career, etc, it becomes a problem that you will never be able to erase. The images will always be there, no matter how many times you delete them. The typed messages will always remain in the world of cyberspace. And the effects your actions have on your family will always remain in the back of their minds or in the whispers of strangers who know way too much… for generations to come.

But what about those on the other end, responding to the pics and messages from that married man or woman? What kind of life must they lead that makes it ok to knowingly correspond with someone who is married? Do they realize the lives THEY could be ruining, including their own. We have to be accountable for our actions and sometimes have to make others accountable as well. If I have to remind you that you are married and have a beautiful family at home to  make you stop contacting me and take some time out to think about what you are doing, then so be it. My reminder may be just what you need to end all of your tasteless behavior, maybe not, but I know I won’t be a thread within the weave of your web of lies and deceit.

My purpose for social networking is, and always has been, for business and to connect to friends and family, while keeping a regular bridge of contact with them. I have never tried to connect to other men for purposes of starting a virtual romance and I have never led anyone to believe that. I love my husband, my children, and my family and I would never risk losing them over a salacious online fling.

I am not one to judge. I can only say how I feel. Let’s not let social networking ruin our lives!


Moms! Reclaim Your Inner Hotty August 18, 2011

Filed under: Beauty,Family,Intimacy,Sex,Spouse,Woman — Maya Fit Girl @ 7:23 pm
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Recently, I have noticed one very important thing about many SAHMs. One thing that has been grossly overlooked- taking time for themselves to look good in order to feel their best.  I have seen ill-fitting shirts, tossled hair, stained jeans, over run shoes, etc. I wonder if these women remember when they would actually take time to consider what they wore or what they looked like on a daily basis and remember how much of an impact that had on their day.

I strongly believe that if you look good, you feel good. Now I’m not saying you have to put on an evening gown or business suit everyday. I’m just saying, take a few moments for yourself in order to reclaim your inner hotty. Not only will you feel better, but so will the hubby/significant other!

Looking good should only take about 10 minutes for the most simplest update to your daily self. After that shower that I hope you are making time for (sometimes we sacrifice this event, but please don’t), pick out a cute outfit. Cute does not mean elaborate. During the hot months, a nice and simple cotton summer dress or shorts and a tank that complement your body are great options. But the key is that is has to complement your body and you are comfortable. Your husband’s old t-shirt does not work, but I’ll get to when your husband’s shirt can actually work for you *wink wink*.

During colder months, fitted long sleeved-shirts or sweaters with flattering jeans would be excellent. The only time I think sweats are cute are when they are the form fitting ones with the boot cut leg, but not everyday. Please throw away the sweats that fit at the ankle or came out of your hubby’s closet.  Seriously, those aren’t cute and hubby hates to see you in them.

And finally, take time to give your face a little attention. Throw on some lipgloss and a little mascara. Gloss has a way of brightening up your face and helps get rid of that “dry” look. The mascara will bring some attention to your eyes and make them look less tired. If you really want to go all out, add a little foundation or concealer for problem areas.

The ten little minutes you take for yourself will do a world of good for your self-esteem and make you feel so much better.

You take time to make the kids look presentable with their matching outfits and accessories, just don’t forget about yourself. Reclaim your inner hotty, the hubby will definitely love to reclaim what he fell in love with so long ago.

Now for hubby’s shirt— when you put the kids away (in their room watching a movie, playing a video game, tucked away asleep, etc.), go get one of hubby’s dress shirts. Put it on with nothing underneath. Slide on those high heels… You know what’s next!


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Kids Can’t Rule Our Sex Lives August 15, 2011

Filed under: Intimacy,Kids,Parenting,Sex — Maya Fit Girl @ 2:40 pm
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Parents- Do you sometimes feel like your kids have a radar that can sense the moment you and your  partner are about to have a little intimate time? I can remember when my oldest son was about still a tiny little brown sack of curls…without fail, the moment my husband and I were about to spend quality time together he would wake from his sleep and start crying at the top of his lungs.And of course, as first time parents we would run to his aid, only to find that absolutely nothing was wrong.

As he got older, I am inclined to say that his radar became stronger. No matter if he was in the middle of watching Barney, which I so cleverly put on so that hubby and I would have approximately 22 minutes to ‘get things goin’, he would always start banging on the door right when the action was just beginning.

These types of interruptions can be quite disconcerting and a great catalyst to assist in the downfall of what was once an incredibly exciting sex life. “But what can be done?”- you ask. The answer is simple…

Turn your sex life into a covert mission. Turn the act of making love, fornicating, having sex, intercourse into the million dollar booty- pun intended. And you and your partner are now Bonnie and Clyde running from the fuzz, which of course are the kids.

Each time the mission is the same- get the ‘booty’, but the locations may change. The ‘booty’ can be found in your closet, in your bathroom, in your exercise room, in the … wherever your heart desires. Changing locations keep the “fuzz” off track. If you’re always in one place- the bedroom- they always know where to find you. Sometimes, like my children, that gives them an opportunity to case the joint and figure out how to bust through locks almost unobtrusively.

It’s also great to create diversions using unwitting allies, such as Sponge Bob, DJ Lance, or even iCarly. These allies give you at least 22 minutes of lead time on the “fuzz”.

Sometimes they will find you. Sometimes outside of your room, they will have you surrounded. They will be yelling for you to come out with your hands up…or whatever. You must not give in, you must always be ready for the raid. Stay calm. You have the power, you are in control. Quickly yell out your demands- “Go get a snack!” , “Go watch a movie!”, or my fave- the fake out “Go wait in your room/upstairs/with your brother while I take a shower so we can go outside!” Please note, for the last one you must make good on your promise sometime that day.

If you have a  small baby, think of their crying as the security alarm during a bank heist. If you’re in the middle of collecting your “booty” and the alarm goes off, you can either ignore it and move faster or drop everything and run!

Whatever you and your significant other do, don’t let the kids take your intimacy away because once they’re FINALLY out of your house for good, you are only left with each other.